OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Application for iOS, Android Version will come soon

OpenAI launched a ChatGPT iPhone application on 18th May. CTO of OpenAI Mira Murati said that an Android version of ChatGPT is coming soon. The application is the first official mobile app for ChatGPT. OpenAI says, “The app can answer questions such as, “what are unique custom birthday gifts ideas for my coffee-loving mom” or explain how to…

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Google Plans to Use New AI Technology to Automate YouTube Advertising

Google’s effort to quickly add new artificial intelligence models into its core products is making its mark in the advertising space. Google has given the green signal to plans for using generative AI technology, fueled by large language models (LLMs) for automating advertising and ad-supported consumer services. The company has recently unveiled PaLM 2. Certain groups…

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5 Gründe, Ihren Datensicherungsanbieter zu wechseln

Die meisten Backup-Lösungen auf dem Markt sind nicht innovativ. IT-Administratoren fehlen die Zeit, die Ressourcen und die Energie, die wirklichen Herausforderungen ihres Unternehmens anzugehen. Das kann sehr frustrierend sein. Sie sind mit diesem Problem jedoch nicht allein, sondern IT-Professionals weltweit geht es genauso! Dieses Whitepaper von Veeam zeigt auf, aus welchen Gründen Unternehmen auf eine…

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Amazon is Focusing on Leveraging AI to Deliver Products Faster to Consumers

Amazon is focusing on leveraging artificial intelligence to increase the speed of delivering stuff to consumers by minimizing the distance between its products and customers. Stefano Perego, vice president of customer fulfilment and global ops services for North America and Europe at Amazon, briefed how Amazon is using AI in logistics. Perego said, “One area is…

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